The 2024 annual meeting of Exa-Soft
The second Exa-SofT annual assembly, held on November 7th-8th, 2024 at ENSEEIHT in Toulouse, brought together over 50 participants from academia and industry to share progress on scientific computing applications, strengthen collaborations, and introduce the new members of Exa-SofT.
Thursday, 07 November 2024
- Opening Talk
by Raymond Namyst, professor at University of Bordeaux
and Alfredo Buttari, CNRS research scientist - WP1 Scientific presentation – COMET: from dynamic data-parallel dataflows to task graphs
by Jerry Lacmou Zeutouo, associate professor at IUT Amiens
and Christian Perez, Inria research scientist - WP4 Scientific presentation – Tensor computations
Atte Torri, PhD student at Paris-Saclay University - General workshop – Exa-SofT software stack consolidation
animated by Abdou Guermouche, associate professor at University of Bordeaux
and Christian Perez - WP2 & WP1 Scientific presentation – Polyhedral model for Kokkos code optimization
by Ugo Battiston, Inria PhD student - WP3 Scientific presentation – Recursive tasks
by Thomas Morin, PhD student at University of Bordeaux - WP2 Scientific presentation – Automatic multi-versioning of computation kernels
by Raphaël Colin, Inria PhD student under the supervision of Philippe Clauss and Thierry Gautier - WP4 & WP6 Scientific presentation – Improving energy efficiency of HPC application
by Albert d’Aviau de Piolant, PhD student at University of Bordeaux
Friday, 8 November 2024
- NumPEx Energy working group feedback
by Georges Da Costa, professor at University of Toulouse
and Amina Guermouche, associate professor at Bordeaux INP - General workshop – Exa-SofT developments integration in applications
by Marc Pérache, CEA research scientist
and François Trahay, professor at Telecom SudParis - WP5 Scientific presentation – PALLAS: a generic trace format for large HPC trace analysis
by Catherine Guelque, PhD student at Telecom ParisSud - WP5 & WP6 Scientific presentation – Fine-grain energy measurement
by Jules Risse, PhD student at Telecom ParisSud - NumPEx GPU working group feedback
Samuel Thibault, professor at University of Bordeaux
- Ugo Battinston, Inria
- Julien Bigot, CEA
- Alfredo Buttari, CNRS
- Philippe Clauss, Inria
- Henri Calandra, Total Energies
- Terry Cojean, Eviden
- Raphaël Colin, Inria
- Benoit Combemale, Inria
- Jean-Marie Couteyen, Airbus
- Albert d’Aviau de Piolant, Inria
- Georges Da Costa, Université de Toulouse
- Alexandre Denis, Inria
- Nicolas Ducarton, Inria
- Pierre Esterie, Inria
- Ewen Brune, Inria
- Mathieu Faverge, Inria
- Thierry Gautier, Inria
- David Goudin, Eviden
- Karmijn Hoogveld, Université de Toulouse
- Catherine Guelque, Telecom SudParis
- Amina Guermouche, Bordeaux INP
- Abdou Guermouche, Université de Bordeaux
- Julien Hermann, CNRS
- Jerry Lacmou Zeutouo, Université de Picardie
- Marc Pérache, CEA
- Raymond Namyst, Université de Bordeaux
- Nicolas Brieuc, Inria
- Alena Kopanicakova, Toulouse INP
- Christian Perez, Inria
- Luc Giraud, Inria
- Alejandro Estana, Université de Toulouse
- Lucas Pernollet, CEA
- Millian Poquet, Université de Toulouse
- Jules Risse, Telecom SudParis
- Julien Vanharen, Inria
- Alec Sadler, Inria
- Nicolas Renon, Université de Toulouse
- Philippe Swartvagher, Inria
- Samuel Thibault, Université de Bordeaux
- François Trahay, Telecom SudParis
- Pierre Matalon, École polytechnique
- Atte Torri, Université Paris-Saclay
- Bora Ucar, ENS
- Pierre-André Wacrenier, Université de Bordeaux
- Damien Gratadour, Université Paris Cité
- Petr Vacek, IFPEN
- Matthieu Robeyns, Université Paris-Saclay
- Nathalie Furmento, CNRS
The third co-design and co-development workshop of Exa-DI on "Artificial Intelligence for HPC@Exscale"
The third co-design/co-development workshop of the Exa-DI project (Development and Integration) of the PEPR NumPEx was dedicated to “Artificial Intelligence for HPC@Exscale” targeting the two topics “Image analysis @ exascale” and “Data analysis and robust inference @ exascale”. It took place on October 2 and 3, 2024 at the Espace La Bruyère, Du Côté de la Trinité (DCT) in Paris.
This face-to-face workshop brought together, for two days, Exa-DI members, members of the other NumPEx projects (Exa-MA: Methods and Algorithms for Exascale, Exa-SofT: HPC Software and Tools, Exa-DoST: Data-oriented Software and Tools for the Exascale and Exa-AToW: Architectures and Tools for Large-Scale Workflows), Application demonstrators (ADs) from various research and industry sectors and Experts to discuss advancements and future directions for integration of Artificial Intelligence into HPC/HPDA workflows at exascale targeting the two topics, “Large image analysis” and “Data analysis and robust inference”.
This workshop is the third co-design/co-development workshops in the series whose main objective is to promote software stack co-development strategies to accelerate exascale development and performance portability of computational science and engineering applications. This workshop is a little different from the previous two in that it has a prospective character targeting the increasing importance of rapidly evolving AI-driven and AI-coupled HPC/HPDA workflows in “Large images analysis @ exascale” and “Data analysis (simulation, experiments, observation) & robust inference @ exascale”. Its main objectives are first to co-develop a shared understanding of the different modes of coupling AI into HPC/HPDA workflows, second to co-identify execution motifs most commonly found in scientific applications in order to drive the co-development of collaborative specific benchmarks or proxy apps allowing to evaluate/measure end-to-end performance of AI-coupled HPC/HPDA workflows and finally, to co-identify software components (libraries, frameworks, data communication, workflow tools, abstraction layers, programming and execution environments) to be co-developed and integrated to improve critical components and accelerate them.
Key sessions included
- Introduction and Context: Setting the stage for the workshop’s two main topics as well as presenting the GT IA, a transverse action in NumPEx.
- Attendees Self-Introduction: Allowing attendees to introduce themselves and their interests.
- Various Sessions: These sessions featured talks on the challenges to tackle and bottlenecks to overcome (execution speed, scalability, volume of data…), on the type, the format and the volume of data currently investigated, on the frameworks or programming languages currently used (e.g. python, pytorch, JAX, C++, etc..) and on the typical elementary operations performed on data.
- Discussions and Roundtables: These sessions provided opportunities for attendees to engage in discussions and share insights on the presented topics in order to determine a strategy to tackle the challenges in co-design and co-development process.
Invited speakers
- Jean-Pierre Vilotte from CNRS, member of Exa-DI, who provided the introductory context for the workshop.
- Thomas Moreau from Inria, member of Exa-DoST, presenting the GT IA, a transverse action in NumPEx.
- Tobias Liaudat from CEA, discussing fast and scalable uncertainty quantification for scientific imaging.
- Damien Gradatour from CNRS, addressing how building new brains for giant astronomical telescopes with Deep Neural Networks?
- Antoine Petiteau from CEA, discussing data analysis for observing the Universe with Graviational Waves at low frequency.
- Kevin Sanchis from Safran AI, addressing benchmarking self-supervised learning methods in remote sensing.
- Hugo Frezat from Université Paris Cité, presenting learning subgrid-scale models for turbulent rotating convection.
- Benoit Semelin from Sorbonne Université, discussing simulation-based inference with cosmological radiative hydrodynamics simulations for SKA.
- Bruno Raffin & Thomas Moreau from Inria, presenting Machine Learning based analysis of large simulation outputs in Exa-DoST.
- Julián Tachella from CNRS, presenting DeepInverse: a PyTorch library for solving inverse problems with deep learning.
- Erwan Allys from ENS-PSL, exploring generative model and component separation in limited data regime with Scattering Transform.
- François Lanusse from CNRS, discussing multimodal pre-training for Scientific Data: Towards large data models for Astrophysics. > en ligne
- Christophe Kervazo from Telecom Paris, addressing interpretable and scalable deep learning methods for imaging inverse problems.
- Eric Anterrieu from CNRS, exploring deep learning based approach in imaging radiometry by aperture synthesis and its implementation.
- Philippe Ciuciu from CEA, addressing Computational MRI in the deep learning era.
- Pascal Tremblin from CEA, characterizing patterns in HPC simulations using AI driven image recognition and categorization.
- Bruno Raffin from Inria, member of Exa-DI, presenting the Software Packaging in Exa-DI
Outcomes and impacts
Many interesting and fruitful discussions took place during this prospective workshop. These discussions allowed us first to progress in understanding the challenges and bottlenecks underpinning AI-driven HPC/HPDA workflows most commonly found in the ADs. Then, a first series of associated issues to be addressed have been identified and these issues can be gathered in two mains axes: (i) image processing of large volumes, images resulting either from simulations or from experiments and (ii) exploration of high-dimensional and multimodal parameter spaces.
One of the very interesting issues that emerged from these discussions concerns the NumPEx software stack and in particular, how could the NumPEx software stack be increased beyond support for classic AI/ML libraries (e.g. TensorFlow, PyTorch) to support concurrent real time coupled execution of AI and HPC/HPDA workflows in ways that allow the AI systems to steer or inform the HPC/HPDA task and vice versa?
A first challenge is the coexistence and communication between HPC/HPDA and AI tasks in the same workflows. This communication is mainly impaired by the difference in programming models used in HPC (i.e., C++, C; and Fortran) and AI (i.e., Python) which requires a more unified data plane management in which high-level data abstractions could be exposed and to hide from both HPC simulations and AI models the complexities of the format conversion and data storage and data storage and transport. A second challenge concerns using the insight provided by the AI models and simulations for identifying execution motifs commonly found in the ADs to guide, steer, or modify the shape of the workflow by triggering or stopping new HPC/HPDA tasks. This implies that the workflow management systems must be able to ingest and react dynamically to inputs coming from the AI models. This should drive the co-development of new libraries, frameworks or workflow tools supporting AI integration into HPC/HPDA workflows.
In addition, these discussions highlighted that an important upcoming action would be to build cross-functional collaboration between software and workflow components development and integration with the overall NumPEx technologies and streamline developer and user workflows.
It was therefore decided during this workshop the set-up of a working group addressing these different issues and allowing in fine the building of a suite of shared and well specified proxy-apps and benchmarks, with well-identified data and comparison metrics addressing these different issues. Several teams of ADs and experts have expressed their interest in participating in this working group that will be formed. A first meeting with all interested participants will be organized shortly.
- Jean-Pierre Vilotte, CNRS and member of Exa-DI
- Valérie Brenner, CEA and member of Exa-DI
- Jérôme Bobin, CEA and member of Exa-DI
- Jérôme Charousset, CEA and member of Exa-DI
- Mark Asch, Université Picardie and member of Exa-DI
- Bruno Raffin, Inria and member of Exa-DI and Exa-DoST
- Rémi Baron, CEA and member of Exa-DI
- Karim Hasnaoui, CNRS and member of Exa-DI
- Felix Kpadonou, CEA and member of Exa-DI
- Thomas Moreau, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Erwan Allys, ENS-PSL and application demonstrator
- Damien Gradatour, CNRS and application demonstrator
- Antoine Petiteau, CEA and application demonstrator
- Hugo Frezat, Université Paris Cité and application demonstrator
- Alexandre Fournier, Institut de physique du globe and application demonstrator
- Tobias Liaudat, CEA
- Jonathan Kem, CEA
- Kevin Sanchis, Safran AI
- Benoit Semelin, Sorbonne Université
- Julian Tachella, CNRS
- François Lanusse, CNRS
- Christophe Kervazo, Telecom Paris
- Eric Anterrieu, CNRS
- Philippe Ciuiciu, CEA
- Pascal Tremblin, CEA
© Valérie Brenner
Brice Goglin and Samuel Thibault: HPC mapping experts awarded by the french Académie des sciences
Article originally published on Inria website here
Every November, the french Académie des sciences unveils its prestigious awards. This year, alongside Brice Goglin, the NumPEx member Samuel Thibault have just been awarded the Inria – Académie des sciences – Dassault Systèmes Innovation Prize.
Samuel Thibault is responsible for the runtime part of the Exa-SofT software stack. More specifically, he is in charge of the integration of communications with task scheduling, high-level expression of the division of computational tasks, and fault tolerance. Samuel is also co-leader of the working group Accelerator.
Learn more about his research in the article published by Inria.
Photo credit académie des sciences – Mathieu Baumer
Call for proposals "Numérique pour l’Exascale"
The NumPEx program is launching its first call for projects to support advances in high-performance computing (HPC), high-performance data analysis (HPDA) and artificial intelligence (AI). Our France 2030 research program aims to develop software capable of operating future exascale machines, and to prepare the main scientific and industrial application codes.
This call is structured around three axes:
- Emerging AI methods, algorithms and software for scientific computing and HPC for AI.
- Programming models adapted to accelerated architectures.
- Workflows for scientific data analysis, with the SKA project as a use case.
This call for projects has a budget of 4 million euros. It will fund 1 to 2 projects per axis, for a maximum duration of 48 months.
The amount of funding requested must be a minimum of 500 k€ and a maximum of 1 M€, depending on the theme of the project.
The same project manager can only be responsible for one PEPR project, including targeted projects.
Deadline for applications: April 1, 2025.
Josselin Garnier appointed to the French Académie des Sciences
Article originally published on the french Académie des sciences website here
Josselin Garnier, professor at École Polytechnique and member of Exa-MA, is one of 18 scientists appointed to the French Académie des sciences in recognition of his significant contributions to research.
Alongside Clément Gauchy, CEA research staff member, Josselin Garnier coordinates the workpackage “Uncertainty quantification” of the Exa-MA project. The objective of this workpackage is to leverage exascale computing to implement advanced analysis methods that require a large number of executions of complex simulation codes to quantify uncertainties in these simulations and solve inverse or optimization problems in the presence of uncertainties. The work carried out aims to quantify the confidence that can be placed in the predictions derived from these simulations and to facilitate decision-making based on them.
Learn more about his career and research in the article published by the French Académie des sciences.
Photo credit Adobe Stock
2023 Inria annual report: NumPEx, a programme aimed at boosting the capacities of exascale computing
The annual report of the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria), published last June, provides an overview of the research activities and results of its teams and laboratories. Appointed coordinator of the “Numérique logiciel” program agency in 2024, Inria is a key player in French computer science research. Inria works to ensure that France is part of the European dynamic through the research and innovation of its project teams and collaborations with other research organizations.
Inria’s highlights for 2023 include a panel of France 2030 research programs co-piloted by Inria, including NumPEx!
Find out more on page 10 of the 2023 annual report.
2023 – Annual Report Inria (english version)
2023 – Rapport d’activité Inria (french version)
© Guillaume Martel / CEA
NumPEx Highlighted in GENCI's 2023 Annual Report
In the field of research and innovation, GENCI is a key player in the landscape of high-performance computing (HPC) in France. Established in 2007, its mission is to provide the French scientific community with some of the most powerful HPC resources in the world, including the supercomputers Jean Zay, Joliot Curie, and Adastra. These resources enable scientists to perform complex numerical simulations and analyze massive volumes of data, which are crucial for advancements in various fields such as climatology, particle physics, biology, and much more.
Recently, GENCI published its 2023 activity report, and one of the highlights of the year was the launch of NumPEx!
Find NumPEx on page 20 of the 2023 activity report of GENCI.
2023 – Annual Report GENCI (english version)
2023 – Rapport d’activité GENCI (french version)
2024 InPEx Workshop
Find all the presentation on InPEx website here
The Barcelona Supercomputing Center and NumPEx were thrilled to gather the InPEx community in Sitges, Spain. From June 17th to June 19th, the workshop brought together around 100 HPC experts from Europe, Japan, and the United States.
This event was the perfect opportunity to discuss about the state of the art, projects and program for Exascale and post-Exascale, to present the lastest achievements of the InPEx working groups since the 2023 Workshop, and to work together about the next steps of InPEx.
If you want to know more, all presentations are available on InPEx website.
Photo credit: Corentin Lefevre/Neovia Innovation/Inria
The first workshop of the NumPEx Accelerator working group
On June 12-13th 2024, the Accelerator working group held the workshop “Programmation GPU” to take a first review of the current situation.
This workshop was the perfect occasion to have a comprehensive overview of the various approaches currently available for an effective use of GPUs, including direct programming, libraries, frameworks, and task-based methods.
The workshop enabled participants to leave with a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and to benefit from insights and experiences with different codes across these approaches.
You will find below all the presentation materials and video recordings of the day’s events, which were held in French.
Introduction and Context
Both presented by Samuel Thibault, professor at Université de Bordeaux
Overview of GPU approaches
- Approche framework: Arcane, API accélérateur
Gilles Grospellier, CEA researcher - Approche bibliothèque: GPU Programming through external scientific libraries
Florent Pruvost, Inria researcher - Approche langage: Kokkos / OpenMP
Julien Bigot, CEA researcher - Approche tâches, StarPU
Samuel Thibault, professor at Université de Bordeaux
Retex session: feedback and experiences
- Retex – Approche tâches pour l’algèbre linéaire GPU + distribué
Antoine Jego, professor at Sorbonne Université - Retex – Approche tâches pour l’algèbre linéaire GPU + I/O, out-of-core, composition (Chameleon)
Florent Pruvost, Inria researcher - Retex – Approche OpenACC: YALES2
Vincent Moureau, CNRS researcher - Retex – Approche OpenACC: Porting a legacy Fortran CFD HPC code to (AVBP)
Joeffrey Legaux, engineer at CERFACS - Retex – Approche Kokkos: Dyablo, A new hardware-agnostic AMR code for Exascale using Kokkos
Arnaud Durocher, CEA researcher and engineer - Retex – Rust et OpenCL pour le portage GPU (minicl)
Philippe Helluy, professor at Université de Strasbourg
Contributions to the NumPex program and call for proposals
- Contributions prévues au sein du PEPR NumPEx
Samuel Thibault, professor at Université de Bordeaux - Brainstorming on the GPU call for proposals
Title image: © George Kedenburg / Unsplash
The second co-design and co-development workshop of Exa-DI on "Block-structured AMR @Exascale"
The second co-design/co-development workshop of the Exa-DI project (Development and Integration) of the PEPR NumPEx was dedicated to the computation and communication motif “Block-structured AMR @Exascale”. It took place on February 6 and 7, 2024 at the “Grand Amphi” of the “Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris” in Paris.
This face-to-face workshop brought together, for two days, Exa-DI members, members of the other NumPEx projects (Exa-MA: Methods and Algorithms for Exascale, Exa-SoFT: HPC Software and Tools, Exa-DoST: Data-oriented Software and Tools for the Exascale and Exa-AToW: Architectures and Tools for Large-Scale Workflows), Application demonstrators (ADs) from various research and industry sectors and Experts to discuss advancements and future directions for block structured AMR at exascale.
This workshop is the second co-design/co-development workshops in the series whose main objective is to promote software stack co-development strategies to accelerate exascale development and performance portability of computational science and engineering applications. Discussions included challenges in co-design and co-development process, key questions and most urgent issues for collective exploration to build links across NumPEx and the applications, and initiatives promoting exascale software stack sustainability, emphasizing collaboration and innovation.
Key sessions included
- Introduction and Context: Setting the stage for the workshop’s main theme.
- Attendees Self-Introduction: Allowing attendees to introduce themselves and their interests.
- Various Technical Sessions: These sessions featured talks on topics such as exascale performance evaluation and advancements in exascale simulations for different applications like astrophysics simulations, flame fronts and gas/liquid interfaces as well as long molecular dynamic simulations with polarizable force fields. In addition, two experts gave presentations on the Samurai and Hercule libraries and a developer of the massively parallel open-source WarpX Particle-In-Cell code presented his feedback on the implementation of AMReX framework.
- Discussions and RoundTables: These sessions provided opportunities for attendees to engage in discussions and share insights on the presented topics.
Invited speakers
- Jean-Pierre Vilotte from CNRS, member of Exa-DI who provided the introductory context for the workshop.
- Maxime Delorme & Arnaud Durocher from CEA, presenting Dyablo, an AMR code for astrophysics simulations in the exascale era.
- Loic Straffela from Ecole Polytechnique, discussing optimizing I/O performance for AMR Code.
- Igor Chollet from Sorbonne Université, presenting ANKH, a scalable alternative to FFT-based approaches for energy computation on accelerator-based exascale architectures.
- Loic Gouarin from Ecole Polytechnique, presenting SAMURAI: Structured Adaptive mesh and Multi Resolution on Algebra of Intervals
- Luca Fedeli from CEA, discussing implementation of AMReX for WaprX, a Particule-In-Cell code for the exascale era.
- Vincent Moureau from CNRS addressing Dynamic Mesh Adaptation of massive unstructured grids for the simulation of flame fronts and gas/liquid interfaces.
Outcomes and impacts
A very interesting and stimulating outcome that was discussed and decided during this workshop is the set-up of a working group addressing a suite of shared and well specified proxy-apps and mini-apps for this co-design computation and communication motif. Several teams of ADs have expressed their interest in participating in this working group which is being formed and whose first meeting should take place soon.
The discussions allowed us to determine the different goals of this working group. In particular, the criteria of the common mini-apps and proxy-apps that will be built was defined. They have to (i) represent algorithms, data structures and layouts, and other computational and communication characteristics across the different application demonstrators, (ii) leverage and integrate logical suites of software components (libraries, frameworks, tools), (iii) measure interoperability levels, performance gain and/or trade-off between components, performance portability, scalability and software quality and (iv) develop collaborative and shared continuous integration and benchmarking methodologies with standardized performance tools to guide optimizations, together with reference meta-data and specifications models.
The second main goal of this working group, that is also a main goal of the workshop series, is to identify the human resources and expertise in the Computational and Data Team (CDT) that Exa-DI needs to deploy. In the co-design/co-development process, the CDT will ensure the interface between the NumPEx projects and the AD teams to support the co-design and co-development of the mini-apps and proxy-apps suite, together with reference data models for sharing specifications and benchmarking/testing results.
- Jean-Pierre Vilotte, CNRS and member of Exa-DI
- Valérie Brenner, CEA and member of Exa-DI
- Jérôme Bobin, CEA and member of Exa-DI
- Mark Asch, Université Picardie and member of Exa-DI
- Julien Bigot, Inria and member of Exa-DI
- Karim Hasnaoui, CNRS and member of Exa-DI
- Christophe Prud’homme, Université de Strasbourg and member of Exa-MA
- Hélène Barucq, Inria and member of Exa-MA
- Isabelle Ramière, CEA and member of Exa-MA
- Vincent Faucher, CEA and member of Exa-MA
- Christian Perez, Inria and member of Exa-MA
- Raymon Namyst, Université de Bordeaux and member of Exa-SoFT
- Alfredo Butari, CNRS and member of Exa-SoFT
- Marius Garenaux, Université de Rennes and member of Exa-AToW
- Olivier Martineau, Université de Rennes and member of Exa-AToW
- Vincent Moureau, CNRS and application demonstrator
- Maxime Delorme, CEA and application demonstrator
- Arnaud Durocher, CEA and application demonstrator
- Allan Sacha, CEA and application demonstrator
- Damien Chapon, CEA and application demonstrator
- Grégoire Doeble, CEA and application demonstrator
- Dominique Aubert, Université de Strasbourg and application demonstrator
- Olivier Marchal, Université de Strasbourg and application demonstrator
- Igor Cholet, Université Paris 13 and application demonstrator
- Jean Philippe Piquemal, Sorbonne Université and application demonstrator
- Louis Lagardère, Sorbonne Université and application demonstrator
- Olivier Adjoua, Sorbonne Université and application demonstrator
- Stefano Frambati, Total Energies and application demonstrator
- Luca Fedeli, CEA
- Loic Strafella, École polytechnique
- Loic Gouarin, CNRS
- Marc Massot, École polytechnique
- Pierre Matalon, École polytechnique
- Geoffroy Lesur, CNRS and member of the PEPR Origins