The General Assembly of the Exa-MA project took place at the University of Strasbourg on January 14-15, 2025. This two-day event was an opportunity to share the latest advancements of the project, strengthen collaborations between Work Packages (WPs), and discuss the next steps.
Exa-MA aims to revolutionize methods and algorithms for exascale scaling: discretization, resolution, learning and order reduction, inverse problem, optimization and uncertainties. We are contributing to the software stack of future European computers.
The General Assembly gathered 83 participants, including members of the Scientific Board, external partners, and young recruits, with 15 joining online. The event featured plenary sessions, thematic workshops, and strategic discussions focused on intra- and inter-project synergies, particularly with Exa-Soft and Exa-DI. Key topics included AI, accelerators, software sustainability, and external collaborations. Strengthening ties with academic and industrial partners was also a major focus, reinforcing Exa-MA’s role in the broader exascale computing ecosystem.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
- Welcome and General Presentations
by Hélène Barucq, Inria research scientist
and Christophe Prud’homme, professor at Université de Strasbourg - Highlighting the New Recruits
- Hung Truong, Inria postdoctoral researcher
- Céline Van Landeghem, phD student at Université de Strasbourg
- Thomas Saigre, Université de Strasbourg researcher
- Christos Giorgadis, Inria postdoctoral researcher
- Daria Hrebenshchykova, phD student at Université Côte d’Azur
- Mahamat Nassouradine, CEA phD student
- Transverse working group on AI
by Emmanuel Franck, Inria research scientist - Highlighting the New Recruits
- Antoine Simon, CEA research engineer
- Sébastien Dubois, CEA research engineer
- Alexandre Hoffmann, Inria phD student
- General workshop on interactions within the project
by Mark Asch, professor at Université de Picardie
Luc Giraud, Inria research scientist
Jean-Pierre Vilotte, CNRS research scientist - Highlighting the New Recruits
- Alexandre Pugin, Inria phD student
- Hélène Hénon, phD student at Université Grenoble Alpes
- Hassan Ballout, phD student at Université de Strasbourg
- Presentation of the NumPEx transverse working group on accelerators (GPUs)
by Philippe Helluy, professor at Université de Strasbourg - Highlighting the New Recruits
- Pierre Dubois, CEA phD student
- Amaury Bélières, pHD student at Université de Strasbourg
- Private meeting of the scientific board
Wenesday, 15 January 2025
- General workshop on interactions with external partners
by Hélène Barucq and Christophe Prud’homme - Workshop on WP1 and WP3 : discretization and solvers
by Isabelle Ramière, CEA research scientist
Pierre Alliez, Inria research scientist,
Hélène Barucq and Vincent Faucher, CEA research scientist - Workshop on WP2 and WP5 : optimization and AI
by El Ghazali Talbi, professor at Université de Lille
Stéphane Lanteri, Inria research scientist
and Emmanuel Franck - Workshop on WP4 and WP6 : uncertainty quantification + inverse problems & data assimilation
Josselin Garnier, professor at École polytechnique
Clément Gauchy, CEA research staff member
Arthur Vidard, Inria research scientist
Hélène Barucq and Florian Faucher, Inria research scientist - Feedback on workshop 1
by Isabelle Ramière, Vincent Faucher and Pierre Alliez - Feedback on workshop 2
by El Ghazali Talbi - Feedback on workshop 3
by Josselin Garnier and Arthur Vidard - Conclusion
by Christophe Prud’homme - Informal exchanges
- Pierre Alliez, Inria
- Ani Anciaux Sedrakian, IFPEN (Online)
- Mark Asch, Université de Picardie
- Hassan Ballout, Université de Strasbourg
- Helene Barucq, Inria
- Amaury Bélières–Frendo, Université de Strasbourg
- Anne Benoit, ENS
- Jerome Bobin, CEA
- Matthieu Boileau, Université de Strasbourg
- Jérôme Bonelle, EDF
- Jed Brown, University of Colorado (Online)
- Ansar Calloo, CEA
- Vincent Chabannes, Université de Strasbourg
- Xinye Chen, Sorbonne Université (Online)
- Aurelien Citrain, Inria
- Javier Andrés Cladellas Herodier, Université de Strasbourg
- Susanne Claus, ONERA
- Raphaël Côte, Université de Strasbourg
- Clémentine Courtès, Université de Strasbourg
- Grégoire Danoy, Université de Luxembourg
- Etienne Decossin, EDF
- Romain Denefle, EDF
- Pierre Dubois, CEA
- Sébastien Dubois, École Polytechnique
- Talbi El-ghazali, Université de Lille
- Vincent Faucher, CEA
- Florian Faucher, Inria
- Emmanuel Franck, Inria
- Josselin Garnier, École Polytechnique
- Clément Gauchy, CEA
- Christos Georgiadis, Inria
- Christophe Geuzaine, Université de Liège (Online)
- Mathieu Goron, CEA (Online)
- Loic Gouarin, École Polytechnique
- Denis Gueyffier, ONERA (Online)
- Philippe Helluy, Université de Strasbourg
- Hélène Hénon, Inria
- Jan Hesthaven, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Online)
- Alexandre Hoffmann, École Polytechnique
- Daria Hrebenshchykova, Inria
- Bertrand Iooss, EDF
- Fabienne Jézéquel, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas (Online)
- Pierre Jolivet, CNRS (Online)
- Baptiste Kerleguer, CEA
- Mickael Krajecki, Université de Reims
- Catherine Lambert, CERFACS
- Pierre Ledac, CEA
- Patrick Lemoine, Université de Strasbourg
- Sebastien Loriot, Geometry Factory
- Giraud Luc, Inria
- Nassouradine Mahamat Hamdan, CEA
- Bahia Maoili, ANR (Online)
- Marc Massot, École Polytechnique
- Pierre Matalon, École Polytechnique
- Loïs McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory (Online)
- Katherine Mer-Nkonga, CEA (Online)
- Victor Michel-Dansac, Inria
- Axel Modave, ENSTA (Online)
- Vincent Mouysset, ONERA
- Frédéric Nataf, Sorbonne Université
- Laurent Navoret, Université de Strasbourg
- Lars Nerger, Alfred Wegener Institute
- Augustin Parret-Fréaud, Safran
- Lucas Pernollet, CEA
- Raphaël Prat, CEA
- Clémentine Prieur, Université de Grenoble (Online)
- Christophe Prud’homme, Université de Strasbourg
- Alexandre Pugin, Inria
- Isabelle Ramiere, CEA
- Thomas Saigre, Université de Strasbourg
- Eric Savin, ONERA
- Antoine Simon, École Polytechnique
- Bruno Sudret, ETH Zürich
- Nicolas Tardieu, EDF
- Isabelle Terrasse, Airbus
- Sébastien Tordeux, Inria
- Pierre-Henri Tournier, Sorbonne Université
- Christophe Trophime, CNRS
- Hung Truong, Université de Strasbourg
- Céline Van Landeghem, Université de Strasbourg
- Arthur Vidard, Inria
- Jean-Pierre Vilotte, CNRS
- Raphael Zanella, Sorbonne Université (Online)
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