La réunion annuelle 2024 d'Exa-DoST
The second annual meeting of the NumPEx Exa-DoST project took place at Inria, in Rennes, on 18-19 September 2024. This two days were an opportunity to share the first outcomes of the projet and discuss the upcoming research.
The Exa-DoST project is one of the five targeted projects of the NumPEx program, focusing on the challenges posed by data storage, processing, and analytics in the context of the emergence of Exascale Computing in Europe. The goal is to leverage innovative storage technologies and support complex hybrid workflows involving simulation, analytics, and learning, running at extreme scales across supercomputers interconnected to Clouds and Edge-based systems.
The second annual meeting of the Exa-DoST project took place at Inria, in Rennes, on 18-19 September 2024. It gathered participants in the project (scientists, engineers, students) with the goal of providing a common, shared vision on the project’s objectives, activities, and strategy. It also included specific workshops focused on identifying challenging application requirements in terms of data storage and analytics. For the first time, members of the ExaDoST Scientific Advisory Committee and of the Industrial and Technology Advisory Committee attended a global Exa-DoST meeting.
Mercredi 18 septembre 2024
La première journée a été consacrée à des présentations donnant un aperçu des objectifs et des activités du projet dans les différents domaines spécifiques couverts par les work packages techniques. Ces présentations ont été suivies d’une discussion sur la manière dont les activités réalisées dans le cadre de ces work packages (WP) pouvaient interagir entre elles.
- Introduction à NumPEx et Exa-DoST
par Gabriel Antoniu, chercheur Inria et co-leader Exa-DoST
et Julien Bigot, chercheur CEA et co-leader Exa-DoST - Objectifs et état d’avancement des work packages :
- WP1 – Stockage et E/S
par Francieli Boito, chercheur à l’Inria et responsable du WP Exa-DoST
et François Tessier, chercheur à l’Inria et responsable du WP Exa-DoST - WP2 – Traitement in situ
Par Yushan Wang, chercheur au CEA et responsable du WP Exa-DoST
et Laurent Colombet, chercheur au CEA et responsable du WP Exa-DoST - WP3 – ML-based analytics
par Thomas Moreau, chercheur à l’Inria et responsable du WP Exa-DoST
et Bruno Raffin, chercheur à l’Inria et responsable du WP Exa-DoST - WP4 – Application illustrator :
par Virginie Grandgirard, chercheur au CEA et responsable du WP Exa-DoST
et Damien Gratadour, professeur à l’Université Paris Cité et responsable du WP Exa-DoST.
- WP1 – Stockage et E/S
- Introduction à NumPEx et Exa-DoST
- Session sur l’interaction inter-WP
animée par Gabriel Antoniu et Julien Bigot
Jeudi 19 septembre 2024
- Introduction to the parallel brainstorming sessions
by Julien Bigot - Session on Codex
by Laurent Colombet - Session on Gysela
by Virginie Grandgirard - Session on SKA
by Laurent Colombet
- Introduction to the parallel brainstorming sessions
The participants found the exchanges particularly fruitful and decided to continue this work through a series of online and physical meetings.
Participantes et participants
- Gabriel Antoniu, Inria and Exa-DoST leader
- Rosa Badia, BSC and board member of Exa-DoST
- Thomas Badts, Inria
- Andres Bermeo Marinelli, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Julien Bigot, CEA and Exa-DoST leader
- Francieli Boito, Inria and Exa-DoST WP leader
- Silvina Caino-Lores, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Damien Chapon, CEA and member of Exa-DoST
- Laurent Colombet, CEA and Exa-DoST WP leader
- Almuhisen Feda, CEA and member of Exa-DoST
- Chiara Ferrari, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur and Board member of Exa-DoST
- Virginie Grandgirard, CEA and Exa-DoST WP leader
- Damien Gratadour, Université Paris Cité and Exa-DoST WP leader
- Gabriel Hautreux, CINES and board member of Exa-DoST
- Nicolas Lardjane, CEA and board member of Exa-DoST
- Pierre-François Lavallée, CNRS and board member of Exa-DoST
- Jakob Luettgau, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Benoit Martin, CEA and member of Exa-DoST
- François Mazen, Kitware and board member of Exa-DoST
- Yann Meurdesoif, CEA and board member of Exa-DoST
- Dorian Midou, CEA and member of Exa-DoST
- Shan Mignot, CNRS and member of Exa-DoST
- Julien Monniot, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Thomas Moreau, Inria and Exa-DoST WP leader
- Sai Narasimhamurthy, ParTec and board member of Exa-DoST
- Etienne Ndamlabin, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Jean-Francois Nezan, INSA
- Thomas Noël, ANR and Exa-DoST point of contact
- Kevin Obrejan, CEA and member of Exa-DoST
- Guillaume Pallez, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Lucas Pernollet, CEA and project manager of NumPEx
- Cédric Prigent, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Abhishek Purandare, Inria and member of Exa-DoST
- Bruno Raffin, Inria and Exa-DoST WP leader
- Stéphane Requena, Genci and board member of Exa-DoST
- Kento Sato, Riken and board member of Exa-DoST
- Frederic Suter, CNRS and board member of Exa-DoST
- François Tessier, Inria and Exa-DoST WP leader
- Sunrise Wang, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur
- Yushan Wang, CEA and Exa-DoST WP leader
© Lucas Pernollet