NumPEx International collaborations
The first InPEx meeting: June 2023
June 05, 2023
Inria Paris
The first InPEx meeting - Group photo

5th June 2023
9:00-11:00 – Exascale European context
- European context overview – Anders Jensen, EuroHPC JU, 15 min
- France – Stéphane Requena, Genci, 15 min
- Germany – Bernd Mohr, Julich, 15 min
- Spain – Sergi Girona, BSC, 15 min
- French NumPEx program:
o NumPEx motivations, objectives – Jean-Yves Berthou, Jerome Bobin, Michel Dayde), 10 min
o NumPEx projects and software stack – NumPEx project leaders, (4×7 min)
o NumPEx co-design of exascale applications – Jean-Pierre Vilotte (10 min)
o NumPEx software production – Bruno Raffin (10 min)
11:00-11:15 – Break
11:15-11:45 – Exascale US context, Jack Dongarra, Pete Beckman
11:45-12:15 – Exascale Japan context, Satoshi Matsuoka
12:15-14:00 – Exchange and Lunch
14:00-15:30 – STF: goals, expectations, participants, logistic, budget, agenda, sources of funding
15:30-15:45 – Break
15:45-16:45 – Exchanges with DOE’s and EuroHPC JU’sprogram managers: Synthesis of discussions and exchanges
- Jack Dongarra Emeritus Professor University of Tennessee Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science - Pete Beckman Co-director of the Northwestern University/Argonne Institute for
Science and Engineering - Satoshi Matsuoka – Director RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) –
Professor, Dept. Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of
Technology - Anders Jensen, Executive Director European High Performance Computing Joint
Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) - Sergi Girona Operations Director at Barcelona Supercomputing Center
- Mohr Bernd Deputy Division Head – Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
- Laurent Crouzet Head of Department – Digital Services and Infrastructures –
Directorate General for Research and Innovation, French Ministry of Research - Stéphane Requena Technical and Innovation Director GENCI
- Jean-Yves Berthou Director of the Inria Saclay Research Center & Co-director French NumPEx
Program - Jérôme Bobin Research Director – CEA & Co-director French NumPEx Program
- Michel Daydé Deputy Scientific Director Europe and International, Industrial
Partnerships, Computing and Open Data INS2I – CNRS & Co-director French NumPEx
Program - Christophe Prud’homme Professor at University of Strasbourg & NumPEx Project leader
(Exa-Ma) - Raymond Namyst Professor at University of Bordeaux & NumPEx Project leader (Exa-Soft)
- Gabriel Antoniu Senior Research Scientist at INRIA Rennes & NumPEx Project leader (ExaDost)
- Francois Bodin Professor at University of Rennes & NumPEx Project leader (Exa-AtoW)
- Jean-Pierre Vilotte Scientific Delegate for Computing and Data at INSU –
CNRS & NumPEx Project leader (Exa-DI) - Mark Ash, Professor at University of Picardie, WP NumPEx leader (Exa-DI, Exa-Ma, ExaAtoW)
- Bruno Raffin Director of Research at INRIA, Grenoble, NumPEx WP leader (Exa-DI)
- Christophe Calvin, Deputy to the Director of Fundamental Research in charge of HPC
and simulation CEA - Emmanuel Jeannot, Scientific Director of Inria Bordeaux
- Jacques-Charles Lafoucriere Programme Manager at CEA
Invited to the videoconference:
- Thuc Hoang, Acting Director of ASC and Institutional Research and Development Programs for the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration.
- Simon Hammond, Federal Program Manager, Office of Advanced Simulation and Computing
& Institutional Research and Development Programs (NA-114), National Nuclear Security
Administration (NNSA) - Ceren Susut, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- Yasumasa Watanabe, Computional Science promotion Office, RIKEN
- Yutaka Hara, Computional Science promotion Office, RIKEN
Building the “Simulating The Future” Workshop series (STF): goals, expectations, participants,
logistic, budget, agenda, sources of funding
Goals: exchange and share results and experiences, establish establish collaborations/partnerships at
international level. The inclusion (or not) of the quantum subject shall need to discussed.
Organization, budget and planning: every 9 months, successively in Europe, US and Japan, with a target
of 100 participants. Hosting region covers all accommodation except travels. Duration: 2-3 days.
Participants: researchers & engineers, industry, funding or strategic bodies. 50% will be from the
hosting region. Budget: 100k€ for each meeting. We can start the serie in October, in France ( 19 and
20 october 2023, location to be defined,).
Organisation committee: with BSC and Julich.
– exchange and share of scientific and techn results
– Design and ve of the exa soft stack and sustaibability, licence policy
– Co-design of exascale apps, benchmarking
– Installation, exploitation
– Building a plateform to collaborate (reaserchers, stractegic funding bodies, etc.)
What to share?
– Software production and management : Packaging, doc, results, catalogs, integration
– Future and disruptive SW tech (investments and roadmaps) such as containerization, LLVN,
parallel tools
– Mapping of missing capabilities (driven by both apps and SW)
– Roadmap of near-term HW targets
– Datasets for AI training
– Benchmarks and evaluation
– Energy and environmental impact and sustainability
– Software sustainability
– Collaboration/partnership factory: establish collaboration at international level
Potential timeline for the workshops:
– 10/2023 : Europe (FR)
– 06/2024 : USA
– 03/2025/ : Japan
– 12/2025 : UE
– 09/2026 : USA
– 03/2027 : Japan
– Establish a group of reporters/facilitators with responsibles/key contacts persons for this kind
of meeting is critical and needs to be put in place to guarantee efficient and productive cycle
of discussion
– Another key issue: discussing and ease standards’ adoption
Possible series of technical workshops:
– Through Birds of a Feather (BoF, non-commercial and focus on community building through
interactive presentations and discussions covering a wide variety of topics) at 2023
o Going to SC with a conceptual design in hand would be good (with defined goals)
Visio with DOE’s program managers, EuroHPC JU, French ministry (TBC) – Presentation of the
synthesis of our discussions and exchanges
Key thing is to put all deliverables down: we are going to do a roadmap, the pieces we except
developed. There is a real plan from agencies and how people are going to participate. We still have
to understand how to participate into Europe, to work together. There is still some issues to be
discussed with the European commission and Euro-HPC.
Thuc Hoang: There is a need to gather supports from other exascale agencies (on US et UE side), for
instance, but it is not restricted to them obviously. Nonetheless, we will need more details to bring
about agencies and bodies to join in the initiative.
Satoshi Matsuoka: the question is do we have the proper softwares, components, etc. for the next
step to Exascale – we need to do additional gap/bottlenecks analysis.
Suggestion: First draft proposal to SC BoF (deadline for submission: July 7, 2023) to start with from the
preliminary work made by Mark Asch.
Q&A :
– Thuc Hoang: Does the fundings question treated in the workshops?
– In the NumPEx agenda, there is a deliverable dedicated on fundings – thought it might be not
ready for the 1st workshop in October.
Suggestion: Make use of a tri-partite workgroup (US, EU, Jap.) to draft a preliminary version dedicated
on funding for this October event.
Deadline: July 7th. Following the comments from attendees, one of the main priority on the upcoming
weeks it to define the scope of this first workshop as soon as possible, as well as set up a tight
organization in term of agendas and attendees (both individual persons and entities represented) .
1st workshop in October (France): discussion to determine the date
– 12-13 october (plan B)
– 19-20 october: preferred
For the next week: confirmation of the date and if difficulties arise, the plan B is by default taken.
The objective of this workshop was by gathering several American, European and Japanese experts and institutions’ representatives to present the state of the Art of the Exascale ecosystem as well as discuss on the opportunities proposed by NumPEx to launch a series of workshops, between Europe, US and Japan to exchange and share results and experiences on scientific and technological Exascale challenges (hardware, software stack and sustainability, licence policy and applications, software development and applications, etc.)
The following decisions have been made:
One of the main priorities on the upcoming weeks is to define the scope of the first workshop (scheduled for October in France), as well as set up a tight organization in term of agendas and attendees. The definition of the objective and “roadmap” of such event is critical to bring about relevant Exascale agencies and bodies to join the initiative and gather their support.
- Format: Two or three days, keynotes and breakout sessions – Every 9 months, successively in Europe, the US and Japan – 100 participants – Host country covers all accommodation and food costs (not travels) for provisionnal budget: 100K€
- The proposed date for this first workshop (2 days session) is October 19-20, 2023 (plan B: October 12-13, 2023).
- Subjects:
- Software production and management:
- Packaging, documentation, builds, results, catalogs, continuous integration, Linux builds (E4S, etc.)
- Future and disruptive SW Technologies (investments and roadmaps)
- Containerization, LLVM, parallel tools, etc.
- Mapping of missing capabilities (driven by both Apps and SW)
- Roadmap of near-term HW targets
- Datasets for AI training
- FAIR data stewardship
- Benchmarks and evaluation, co-design (HW&SW)
- Energy and environmental impact and sustainability
- Software sustainability
- Collaboration/Partnership factory : establish collaborations at international level
- Training
- It has been decided to draft a Bird of Feather/conceptual design proposal for SC2023, using as a work basis the preliminary paper made by Mark Asch. The deadline for submission is July 7, 2023.
- Short list of contributors to the draft per “stakeholders” (US, Jap., EU) need to be defined (EU/FR contributors: Marc Asch & Emmanuel Jeannot).
Upcoming actions
05/06/2023 |
Next actions | Deadline | Responsible |
Search and initial proposal for the October workshop’s location | End of June 2023 | NumPEx Project Office (Florian Piffet) |
Definition and preparation of October workshop’s agenda and goals / list of attendees | Before Summer holidays | NumPEx Project Office |
Preparation of a 2023 SC’s Bird of Feather submission (drafting of abstract and description) | Before July 7, 2023 (deadline for submission) | Marc Asch & Emmanuel Jeannot (sharing of proposed pre-draft) – US & Japan contributors |